Name of Animal
Country of Origin Reg #
Country of Origin
Date of Importation
Certificate of Registration
Documentation Required
Live BullSemenLive Female
Copy of "Original" Certificate of Registration Showing Canadian Ownership
Transfer Application (if additional Canadian Owners)
DNA on file in country of origin:
A DNA application will be sent.
Intent to draw semen:
AI Sire Permit Application
Dam must have DNA on file.
DNA in file in country of origin:
If bred, a service certificate issued by the Country of Origin's Association
Breeding Certificate
Canadian Owner Applying for Registration
I HEREBY VERIFY THAT the above stated animal/semen was imported into Canada and is presently in my possession.
CHA Member Name
Email Address
Signature[signature owner-sig]
If paper submissions are preferred, please print this PDF form and send to, or upload the completed form here.
**** Fee of $125.00 plus tax applies ****
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