Name of Animal
Country of Origin Reg #
Country of Origin
Date of Importation
Certificate of Registration
Documentation Required
Live BullSemenLive Female
[group live-bull]
Copy of "Original" Certificate of Registration Showing Canadian Ownership
Transfer Application (if additional Canadian Owners)
DNA on file in country of origin:
[group dna-file-no]
A DNA application will be sent.
Intent to draw semen:
[group semen-draw-yes]
AI Sire Permit Application
Dam must have DNA on file.
[/group] [group semen]
[group application-yes]
[/group] [group application-no]
DNA in file in country of origin:
[group dna-file-semen-no]
[/group] [group live-female]
If bred, a service certificate issued by the Country of Origin's Association
Breeding Certificate
Canadian Owner Applying for Registration
I HEREBY VERIFY THAT the above stated animal/semen was imported into Canada and is presently in my possession.
CHA Member Name
Email Address
Signature[signature owner-sig]
If paper submissions are preferred, please print this PDF form and send to, or upload the completed form here.
**** Fee of $125.00 plus tax applies ****
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