The (Total Herd Evaluation) Program

THE (Total Herd Evaluation) is a complete-herd reporting system to evaluate performance traits. Participating in THE provides performance reports (adjusted weights, indexes and ranks) and EPDs (Expected Progeny Differences) which are run twice per year.

The THE program allows a member to participate at whichever level meets their needs as a purebred breeder. It is a cow-based program and the only requirement is that if any weight (i.e. birth weight) is reported, then it must be reported on all calves, not just those that are registered. All traits (birth, weaning or yearling) are not mandatory. It is the comparison of calves given the same opportunity to perform that generate EPDs which can then be compared across herds.

EPDs are run weekly & published every Monday. New data is extracted every Thursday night at 9:00 pm Calgary time.
Depending on whether data is recorded before or after this cut-off, results will be included in new EPDs published 12-18 days later.

How it works


To get involved, simply notify the office you wish to participate! We’ll set you up with an inventory of owned females and an online log-in or pre-printed forms.


Update that inventory list, report birth details of the calves along with their calving ease, birth weights, weaning weights, yearling weights etc.


Adjusted weights, ranks & indexes are reported back for in-herd comparisons and data goes into the EPD run to produce EPDs for your cattle.

For more information or to enroll, please contact or call the office at 1 (403) 275-2662.

The cost is $7.00 per cow per year.

Then there are no additional charges to record birth weights, weaning weights, yearling weights or ultrasound data. EPDs are simply the best measure of genetic merit currently available in beef cattle.

The All-Star Breeders

The THE All – Star recognizes breeders who fully comply with the THE mandate of complete and accurate reporting of performance data on their animals.

Breeders will be recognized based on an All – Star scoring system:

  • 3 Star Breeders
    report CE, BW, WW
  • 4 Star Breeders
    report CE, BW, WW
    + 1 additional trait
  • 5 Star Breeders
    report CE, BW, WW
    + 2 additional traits
  • 6 Star Breeders
    report CE, BW, WW
    + 3 additional traits
  • 7 Star Breeders
    report CE, BW, WW
    + 4 additional traits

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